My Mom taught me from a young age to take good care of my skin along with the importance of using the most natural organic ingredients possible. 

Recently when I moved to Utah from Alaska, I began my search to try to find local products I could integrate into my life. 

I came across my first jar of Hippie Luxe at a business in Ogden.  I picked it up, smelled it, read the ingredients, and knew I had to try it.  I searched Hippie Skin online and made my first order.  That was well over a year ago.  Since then I have used the Hippie Honey and Hippie Luxe daily.  I use the Rejuvenate Hippie Scrub once a week as part of my routine, and recently started using the Hippie Mist Toning Spray. 

I am 39 years old and constantly get complements on how great my skin looks.  I wear little to no makeup everyday, and rarely have a blemish at all!  Hippie Skin care brings a radiance and glow to my skin that I love, way to go Hippie Skin!


I feel MOST beautiful when I am with my hubby at the gym working out and having fun! Or...after my morning run, in the garden weeding, when my 20yr old daughter shares our pic together on Instagram, or after a bottle of wine...haha!

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