I haven't always been great at skincare, but I've always been a hippie.

Give me nature, wild hair, a beanie, and no makeup.  Set me free among the wildflowers and watch me shine!  As a hippie who has struggled with health issues my entire life, it has been so important to me to find balance.  Balance in health, work, and in experiencing and cultivating the things I love.  

My journey steered me to yoga, and my yoga practice, along with the study of Ayurveda and eastern medicine led me to Hippie Skin.  I wanted something all natural.  I wanted a synergistic skin care system, and I found it.  Using and creating Hippie Skin has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, and I love sharing it.  

My skin was perfect until I was about 28.  Then it just sort of blew up at me.  I had scarring, sun spots, and horrible hormonal acne.  Once I created the Hippie System, I was amazed at how quickly my combination oily/dry skin balanced out, and my smaller breakouts diminished within just 2 weeks.  My hormonal acne cleared within 6 months, and my skin has never been healthier.  I knew that I needed to share this - and my passion to create amazing skin care was born.  

Bethany's Before & After

My before and after - the first was taken just before I started the oil cleansing method with the Hippie System, and the right was 6 months later.  I'm happy to say that my skin has remained healthy for 5 years!





Many people have come to me and just gushed about how much their skin has improved using Hippie Skin, and how that little thing has changed their quality of life.  This is why we are here.  To inspire one to love their skin, and in turn build confidence in themselves, so that they present the best version of who they are to their world.  It's the most beautiful and incredible transformation I have ever been privileged enough to witness.  

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 


Utah, US

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